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Rabu, 13 Juni 2012


Social Network

Indonesia is the fourth largest user of Facebook in the world, and it is caused by 3 factors. First, there are no preventive ways to filter the user of Facebook. Second, high promotion of Facebook in Indonesia. Last, the features on Facebook are so interesting for people, especially for children. These cases can’t be avoided because Facebook has been teens culture, and the best way to control it using Facebook wisely.



Environmental conservation is one of the environmental problem, and there are several factors to keep this. First, the level of education. Education is very important to human. Second, increase income. When the income is high, environmental is high too. Last, knowledge of local wisdom. Beside education, knowledge of local wisdom is important too. Of these factors, environmental conservation is very higly dependent of human.

Healthy Lifestyle

Green Lifestyle is a lifestyle that consider the environment, and there are several ways to embed it. First, using public transportation, like trains and buses. Second, turn off power when leaving the room or another room. Also, close the tap when brushing your teeth. Last, choosing an active lifestyle. Walk, ride a bike, and play as often as possible with your friend. Therefore, the Green Lifestyle should be implanted to young people in order to create a healthy lifestyle.

Serving Sweet Honey Coffee

Making “Sweet Honey Coffee” is not easy and this are the steps to serve it. First, pour a spoon of coffee into a cup. Next, add one half spoon of sugar into a cup. Then mix the coffee and sugar until smooth. Next, pour a hot water into the cup. Then stir it for several minutes, maybe 2 minutes. After that, add again a spoon of sugar and honey. Then stir it again. Then longer you stir it, this better it is. Finally, the “Sweet Honey Coffee” is ready to serve.

Room Description
My office is simple. It has blue wall, and its size 3x4 meters. In the left of my office, there is one personal computer. And in the middle, there are an air conditioner and a cupboard for my books. And then, in the right, in the front of door, there is a telephone. In conclusion, I really like something simple; that is why my office is simple.

Muslim Youth Action Against Terrorism

In Indonesia terrorist acts often happened, and it is caused by 4 factors. First, ethnicity, nationalism or separatism. We know that Indonesia has many tribe and the different tribe can make a conflict. Second, poverty and economic disadvantage. Third, no democracy. Last, religion. In may 2012, Solo Mosque was bombed, allegedly by another religion. In conclusion, the government should consider these factors to prevent terrorism and decide the solution of people Indonesia.

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