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Selasa, 12 Juni 2012


           As youth moeslems, this is our duty to prove to the world that there is no terrorism in Islam. For the external sector, we must show that the teaching of Islam is peace. It can be realized by tolerating another people in other religions and respecting them who live around us to do their own religious activities. For the internal one, many organizations of Islam must teach their youth generation about the truth of Islam deeply. They have to repurify any misconceptions about islam spread by the orientalists. The conception about jihadism in Islam was misinterpreted to terorism. Also, as the youth we have to prepare ourselves to face the future that will give as more problems in religion. By deep-knowing about Islam, at least we can prevent our selves from any negative impacts that will come. It is important because the future of Islam will be held on the hands of us, the youth.

By M. Muzakki Mubarok (11150035)

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