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Kamis, 21 Juni 2012

Safrina Dyah Ayu K 11150046

History of Facebook
            In the direction, facebook was name of book for new student in Harvard University. That book would be show their face and their profile. Mark Zuckerburg, who student from Harvard had great idea to make something different from the book. It began from his boarding house, Mark and his roommate tried to  make group in internet and published to their friends. This group was growing so fast, it start from student in Harvard University and then as long as it work all of American people used facebook. Exactly in 4th February 2004, facebook published for every one in the world. In summary facebook made from simple thing and until now this social network still exist.

Simple Ways to prevent Cervical Cancer
                Cervical cancer prevention should be a top priority for all women. Women can take several simple steps women to reduce their risk of developing cervical cancer. Small lifestyle adjustments combined with medical care go a long way in preventing cervical cancer.
 Practice Safe is not only essential for preventing pregnancy, but also for sexually transmitted diseases like the human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is a common sexually transmitted virus and is the primary cause of most cases of cervical cancer.
                Be a Non-Smoker Simply put, smoking offers no health benefits. It is common knowledge that smoking affects the lungs, but did you know that smoking can affect your cervix? Studies show that smoking can actually speed up the process of cervical damage caused by HPV. Quitting now greatly reduces your risk of several types of cancer, including cervical cancer.
                Get Immunized Against HPV, Fortunately, there is an approved vaccine that not only protects against high risk strains, but also against two strains known to cause genital warts. Gardasil is available to women under 27, with a target age of 11 to 12 years of age. The vaccine is given in a series of three shots over a course of six months. That the simple ways to make us has distant from cervical cancer.

Prevent Water Pollution
                Clean water is an important requirement for human life. But now, as we know because of development human people water supply became an issue because water is increasingly polluted. This is the simple ways to prevent water pollution. First, uses water in accordant with our need. Second, reduce to use detergents that contain compounds can pollute the water, by using soap and herbal toothpaste.  Third, reduce the use of hard materials decompose in the soil. Because it affects water levels derive from ground water. Manage house hold waste properly, by separating the organic and non organic waste. The last planting of trees that can help the absorption of water by soil. That it’s the simple ways to prevent the water to be clean water.
Picking Apples
                Picking apples in the fruit garden is fun and there are the simple steps. First you must visit the owner to show you the good apples locations. Then the owner will tell you the technique for picking apples, you must hold the apples firmly but not too tightly and twist it off the branch. And be careful to pick only the apples you need. If you pick it more, you can find that the apples go bad before you can eat them. After that, you must bring it to the owner to weigh the apples. You pay it to get it back in your home. Last, put your apples in the refrigerator as soon as you get home.

My sweet room
My room in the corner of my boarding house, if you open the door you can find my book shelf. Then  in the left side you can see my watch. I put my bed under the book shelf and in front of my bed, there are a long desk where I set my picture, my doll, and I set my cloth inside it.  My room is not too large just a simple room where I can take a rest and study my lesson in my lovely room. In there, I always feel comfortable and make my room same like my room in my home. I really love my room
Hijab will proctected women
in this modern world women must be have protected of them selves, look like a muslimah women must be wear a hijab. There are criteria and advantages of hijab.
*      Six Criteria for Hijab
                According to the Qur’an and Sunnah, there are basically six criteria for observing hijab:

1.                      It is obligatory for males to cover at least from the navel to the knees. For women, it is obligatory to cover the complete body except the face and the hands up to the wrist. If they wish to, they can cover even these parts of the body. Some scholars insist that the face and the hands are part of the obligatory extent of hijab, especially if temptation (fitna) is feared in times and places where Islamic rules are not prevalent or if security is scarce.

All the remaining five criteria are the same for men and women:
2.       The clothes should be loose and should not reveal the figure.
3.        The clothes should not be transparent or see-through.
4.        The clothes should not be so glamorous as to attract attention.
5.       The clothes should not resemble those of the opposite sex.
6.       The clothes should not resemble those of the unbelievers, that is, clothes that identify or are symbols of the unbelievers’ religions.

Hijab Includes Conduct
                Complete hijab, besides the six criteria of clothing, also includes the moral conduct, behavior, attitude, and intention of the individual. A person only fulfilling the criteria of hijab of the clothes is observing hijab in a limited sense. Hijab of the clothes should be accompanied by hijab of the eyes, the heart, the thought, and the intention. It also includes the way a person walks, talks, and behaves. Therefore, the hypocritical use of hijab is not a good example of Muslim conduct.

*      Hijab Prevents Molestation
                The Qur’an says that hijab enables women to be recognized as modest women and this will also protect them from being molested. Suppose there is a hooligan who is waiting to tease a girl. Whom will he tease? a girl wearing hijab, or one wearing a mini skirt or shorts? Hijab does not degrade a woman but uplifts a woman and protects her modesty and chastity.

*      Lifting the Veil Will Not Uplift Women
                Woman’s liberalization mostly disguises exploitation of her body, degradation of her soul, and deprivation of her honor. Non-Muslim societies claim to have uplifted women via allowing them to expose their bodies, but on the contrary, this has actually degraded them to mere tools in the hands of pleasure seekers and sex marketers, hidden behind the colorful screen of “art” and “culture.”

                Muslim women should be well aware of these facts. They should be aware that hijab protects them from evil glances and evil desires of those who are sick in the heart, as described in the Qur’an. Muslim women must adhere to Allah’s rules and not be persuaded or tempted by the media that opposes hijab or belittles its significance, as those who spread these ideas only desire evil for her. The Qur’an warns by saying what means:
*{But the wish of those who follow their lusts is that you should deviate away [from the right path], -far, far away}* (An-Nisaa’ 4:27).

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