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Rabu, 20 Juni 2012

Erlya 11150047 (the first sunset over the beach i have ever seen)

On 19th of February, I saw the most beautiful phenomenon. It was holiday. I didn’t have something to do, so I invited my friends to go to Depok beach. Then we went there by motorcycles and arrived at 4 p.m. When we have arrived, we prayed Ashar in the mosque before we touched the sand on the beach. After praying Ashar, we directly headed for beach. When we were sitting there and chatting away, we saw the sun over the ocean with its beautiful orange colour. The sun went down slowly as if it would sink in to the ocean. And the sky changed to dark orange. I was really ecxited when I saw it because it was the first time I have ever seen sunset over the beach. It was incredible and perfect!

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