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Sabtu, 16 Juni 2012

Achmad Said Rois 11150032

                                         Facebook Influences

            Facebook has many influences for us include the advantages and disadvantages. On facebook you can share all about you like status, photos, or some notes to other people. There is no limit. Finding a friend from the other side of this world where we live in is not impossible. We can find more experience and study about other culture and every ethnicin this world. Although this condition is so gratify for us, it will give us disadvantages, too. Sometimes we forget the time and so difficult to manage it. The cyber crime must take us into. It’s good for us to use facebook, because there are many advantages we get. However, we must limit our usage of it. It will be smart think, because facebook is not the most important thing in this world.

Save the Environment

          One solution to reduce global warming is reforestation. More trees we have can decrease carbon dioxide. We have to do it continously because we still need tree for the base material of our paper and other needed. With reforestation we can keep our ecosystem and balance our water, soil, air, and other life creature like plants and animals. It is clear that we must keep the forest and get a better life for us and our next generation.

“SPORT, why not??”

          Sport is one of the ways to get a happy and healthy life. There are two reasons why sport can be an easy alternative for us. The first reason is sport has many various, so we can choose  the interest and suitable one. The second reason is its so easy to do the sport. If we don’t have money for expensive sport, we can change with another cheapest one like jogging or cycling. We always think if get the healthy life is too difficult for us, but with these reasons, you have to reset your mainset because there are many ways to make it easier.

Coffee’s Time !

            I always enjoy a cup of coffee everyday to refresh my mind and I often make it by myself, because it is so easy and simple to do. First, you have to boil the water. While you waiting for the water to bubbling, prepare a glass or cup. Then put three spoons of coffee powder into it and add four spoons of sugar. Pour a boiled water into the glass and stir all of substances until blended. Now, you have a very delicious coffee for spending your free times or refresh your mind.

A Special Cupboard

            I have two cupboards, but I really like the blue one because it’s bigger than the other one. It was at least four feet high. It had two doors and four shelves in the right door. On the top shelf are books, important letters and documents. I arrange them in two rows straight line on the shelf. On the next shelf is stack of dresses. On the third shelf are groups of all my       t-shirt. At the bottom shelf, I put the troussers and underwear cause it is larger than other shelves. At the left door there is space to hang up any clothes which have been used before. I usually hide my secret like love letters and money box in the hidden place under the clothes which I hang up. I really like neatness, so I arrange it very neatly. It really can make more spirit when I choose the clothes for facing every hard day.

Muslim is YOU!
            The muslim youth have more abilities to lead the world to the change than other youth. First, they have a great character. They learn about sincerity, autonomy, and patience in their religion. Second, they have a faith. With the good faith, human always feels weak and needs Gods power, so they will not feel arrogant and become low profile. In addition, they carrefully make decision to solve the problem. So, if you want to be a great leader next time, just try to be a real muslim youth and you will find him in yourself.

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