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Jumat, 15 Juni 2012

Asrorul Nur Muvida 11150052

My bording room   
My bording room is lage enough. There are many goods in my room. In thre right corner there is a water galon.Beside it there is a table. On the table there are many eat dining set, like plates,glasses, spoons, and any thing else. and then in the middle of the wall there is a cupboard. On the cupboard, there are mirror, al-Quran, and woman cosmetic like lotion, parfum, hair harrow and any thing; there is money box too. On the left side, there is a bed. on the bed there are two pillows and three blankets. On the right side of my bed there are, iron, van, and rice cooker. And in the left corner of my room there are many books.All of my books are there. my room is very nice, though sometimes messy and sometimes tidy.
How to Make delicious seaweed
Seaweed is very healthy and loaded with fiber. Fiber help us to keep our disgestion. Its the way to make seaweed. Before we start to make a delicious seaweed, we must prepare the ingredients, like water, seaweed powder, sugar and little of salt. First, pour four glasses ofwater into a pan. Second, pou seaweed powder into water and stir until mixed. Third, put sugar into water and seawedd and stir, after that put little of salt to make it mor delicious, and stir so that mixed. Fourth, cook seaweed until boling while stir. And the last, after it boil, remoove the pan from stove and pour the seaweed into edition. Wait the seaweed to cool and become solid. Consume enough fiber every day can help us to keep uor health, start from our disgestion.

Muslim youth agains terorism
Muslim youth must fight terorism and these are many things that we can do. First, muslim youth mus keep him self from persuation of teroris. Second, muslim youth must be smart and careful with unrecognized person. Third, believe that islam is good religion. Fourth, always study so that we can understand about terorism. Last, call police if you find someone who is suspiciouse as teroris immediately. Keep our country from terorism, so our country will be peaceful.

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